Software System Design and Implementation (18s1)

Exercise (Week 9)

Table of Contents


DUE: 6 May, 2018 23:55

Download the exercise tarball and extract it to a directory in your home directory at CSE. This tarball contains a file, called Ex07.hs, wherein you will do all of your programming.

To test your code, run the following shell commands to open a GHCi session:

$ 3141
newclass starting new subshell for class COMP3141...
$ cabal repl
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring Ex07-1.0...
Preprocessing executable 'Ex07' for Ex07-1.0..
GHCi, version 8.2.2:  :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Ex07          (Ex07.hs, interpreted)
Ok, one module loaded.
*Ex07> solutions e3

Note that you will only need to submit Ex07.hs, so only make changes to that file.

Download the exercise tarball and extract it to a directory on your local machine. This tarball contains a file, called Ex07.hs, wherein you will do all of your programming.

To test your code, run the following shell commands to open a GHCi session:

$ stack repl
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: Ex07
Using main module: 1. Package 'Ex07' component exe:Ex07 ...
GHCi, version 8.2.2:  :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Ex07          (Ex07.hs, interpreted)
Ok, one module loaded.
*Ex07> solutions e3

Note that you will only need to submit Ex07.hs, so only make changes to that file.

Download the Haskell for Mac project and unzip it somewhere on your local machine. Open the project in Haskell for Mac, and begin coding in Ex07.hs.

Note that you will only need to submit Ex07.hs, so only make changes to that file.

Logical formulas (often called constraints) ranging over finite domains (i.e., where variables are drawn from sets with a finite number of elements) are useful in a wide array of application areas ranging from solving planning problems, over compiler optimisations, to code verification. Given such formulas, we are usually interested in either whether there exists a solution (i.e., instantiation of all variables) that satisfy the logical formula or in the solutions themselves. You will have to perform the following tasks in this exercise:

We will do that for a very simple logic to keep it manageable, namely formulae of the form:

\[ \exists x_1 \in S_1.\ \exists x_2 \in S_2.\ \dots\ \exists x_n \in S_n.\ \phi \]

where \(\phi\) is a term without any quantifiers and the sets \(S_1 \dots S_n\) are all finite.

Our language of quantifier-free terms is indexed by the type of the term: 1

data Term t where
  Con     :: t -> Term t -- Constant values

  -- Logical operators
  And     :: Term Bool -> Term Bool -> Term Bool
  Or      :: Term Bool -> Term Bool -> Term Bool

  -- Comparison operators
  Smaller :: Term Int  -> Term Int  -> Term Bool

  -- Arithmetic operators
  Plus    :: Term Int  -> Term Int  -> Term Int

For example, the term Con True is of type Term Bool, and the term Plus (Con 2) (Con 10) is of type Term Int.

Our language of formulae (including quantifiers) is indexed by the types of each quantified variable:

data Formula ts where
  Body   :: Term Bool                     -> Formula ()
  Exists :: Show a 
         => [a] -> (Term a -> Formula as) -> Formula (a, as)

For example, the following formula (ex3 in the code):

Exists [False, True] $ \p ->
  Exists [0..2] $ \n ->
    Body $ p `Or` (Con 0 `Smaller` n)

Has the type Formula (Bool, (Int, ())) to reflect the types of the two quantified variables.

1 Evaluating Terms (2 marks)

Write a function:

eval :: Term t -> t

That recursively evaluates the term to its result.

2 Satisfiability check (3 marks)

Secondly, implement a function

satisfiable :: Formula ts -> Bool

that determines whether a given formula is satisfiable – i.e. whether there is an assignment of values to all existentially quantified variables (those with the Exists constructor), such that the body of the formula evaluates to True. Given the examples provided in the code, we expect:

*Ex07> satisfiable ex1
*Ex07> satisfiable ex2
*Ex07> satisfiable ex3

3 Enumerating Solutions (4 marks)

Finally, implement

solutions :: Formula ts -> [ts]

which computes a list of all the solutions for a Formula. Each individual solution is of the same type as the type index of the formula with one value for each existentially quantified variable. Again, considering the examples from Formula.hs, we expect:

*Ex07> solutions ex1
*Ex07> solutions ex2
*Ex07> solutions ex3

What would be the result for a formula that is not satisfiable?

Note: You can use the list monad or list comprehensions here to make solutions a very short definition.

4 Submission instructions

$ give cs3141 Ex07 Ex07.hs

on a CSE terminal, or by using the give web interface. Your file must be named Ex07.hs (case-sensitive!). A dry-run test will partially autotest your solution at submission time. To get full marks, you will need to perform further testing yourself.



Note that there is also a Name constructor given in the code, however this constructor is only used for pretty printing and is not relevant to any of the functions you have to implement.

2018-06-14 Thu 18:29

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